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徐 敏1,2, 王 辉1,2, 杨培青1,2
关键词:  集装箱船  加速度  典型装载工况  重心位置
A Method for Estimating the Gravity Center of Container Ship Under Typical Loading Conditions
XU Min1,2, WANG Hui1,2, YANG Peiqing1,2
1.Shanghai Rules & Research Institute, CCS, Shanghai 200135, China;2.Ships and Offshore Installations Structural Safety Laboratory, CCS, Shanghai 200135, China
A research is carried out on the position of gravity center required for the acceleration formula in the structural evaluation of container ships. 10 container ships are taken as the research object to compare the position of gravity center with the typical loading conditions for standard verification according to the formula in the Code for the Common Structure of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers. The research has found that the formula values of the Code for the Common Structure of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers differ significantly from the actual values and are not applicable to container ships. On this basis, China Classification Society (CCS) proposed a new formula for estimating the position of gravity center of container ships in its Structural Specification for Container Ships. Another 5 container ships are selected to verify the rationality and practicality of the estimation formula by comparing the results obtained using the formula with the actual values, which has a satisfied result.
Key words:  container ship  acceleration  typical loading condition  position of gravity center