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罗享周, 柏君励, 李 锐, 梁勇刚, 黄文海
武昌船舶重工集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430060
基于SPD(Ship Product Design)软件中的参数化设计模块,开展船舶管系部件参数化建模方法研究。通过开展基于PpdL程序的参数化设计模块二次开发,实现管系部件的参数化设计。通过在多型船舶生产设计中应用该方法,证明其能有效提升管系数据库建库效率,提高船舶管系生产设计的精细化程度,提升设计效率和设计质量,取得显著的经济效益。
关键词:  SPD软件  管系生产设计  参数化设计
分类号:U662.9; TP391.7
Application of SPD Based Parametric Design Method in Ship Piping Production Design
LUO Xiangzhou, BAI Junli, LI Rui, LIANG Yonggang, HUANG Wenhai
Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430060, China
A research on the parameterized modeling method of ship piping components is carried out based on the parameterized design module of Ship Product Design (SPD) software, and the secondary development based on PpdL program makes the parametric design of piping components possible. The application of the method in the production design of multiple types of ship has proven that the method can effectively improve the efficiency of building a pipeline databases, increase the refinement of ship pipeline production design, improve design efficiency and quality, and achieve significant benefits.
Key words:  SPD software  production design of piping system  parameterized design