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孙 瑞1, 宋秀丽1, 黄朝俊2, 刘建成2, 司徒颖峰1
1.招商局重工(深圳)有限公司,广东 深圳 518054;2.招商局海洋装备研究院,广东 深圳518067
为满足国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization, IMO)对船舶主机COx、SOx和NOx排放的要求,基于MAN主机燃料进机需求,对多种清洁低碳燃料系统的设计进行对比分析。分别针对氨、甲醇和液化石油气(Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG)等燃料开展关键问题解决方案对比,并运用计算流体动力学(Computation Fluid Dynamics, CFD)方法对燃料系统回液方式进行仿真。仿真结果显示:在LPG回液管路上设计可调减压元件,能在1.8~2.3 MPa压力区间内实现燃料再利用,有效形成闭式循环回路;当损耗系数K为500~6 500时,供给LPG主机的燃料压力满足5.1~5.5 MPa的要求。对比分析表明,在LPG燃料供给系统上调整供给泵参数和回液损耗系数K,即可使该系统应用于氨燃料供给系统设计中。
关键词:  氨燃料  甲醇燃料  供给系统  计算流体动力学(CFD)仿真
Comparison and Simulation of Fuel System Design for Ammonia and Methanol
SUN Rui1, SONG Xiuli1, HUANG Chaojun2, LIU Jiancheng2, SITU Yingfeng1
1.China Merchants Heavy Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518054, China;2.China Merchants Marine Equipment Research Institute, Shenzhen 518067, China
According to the regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for COx, SOx, and NOx emissions from ship engines, a comparative analysis is conducted on the design of clean and low-carbon fuel systems based on the fuel input requirements of MAN engines. The critical problems and solutions are compared for several fuels such as ammonia, methanol and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is used to simulate the return liquid mode of the fuel system. The simulation results show that the adjustable pressure reducing elements designed on the LPG return pipeline can realize fuel reuse in the pressure range of 1.8-2.3 MPa, effectively forming a closed loop. When the loss coefficient K is 500-6 500, the fuel pressure supplied to the LPG host meets 5.1-5.5 MPa requirement. Comparative analysis shows that adjusting the supply pump parameters and return liquid loss coefficient K in the LPG fuel supply system can enable the system to be applied to the design of ammonia fuel supply system.
Key words:  ammonia fuel  methanol fuel  supply system  Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation