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邓小兵1, 冀 楠1, 伍巧芸1, 彭 伟2, 黄 杰2
1.重庆交通大学 航运与船舶工程学院,重庆 400074;2.重庆市船舶检验中心有限公司,重庆 400074
为提升重庆—上海过闸型江海直达船的航行性能和经济性,以满足通过三峡船闸船舶吃水要求的江海直达船型为研究对象,以排水体积和浮心纵向位置为约束条件,采用理论设计与数值计算相结合的方法优化船型。采用Rhinoceros软件进行船体建模,采用CAESES(FRIENDSHIP-Framework)软件进行半参数化模型优化,采用计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)技术进行阻力预报。通过2轮优化对比,优化船型在10 kn、13 kn和16 kn航速下的总阻力相比原始船型分别减小10.76%、8.18%和1.86%。研究表明:垂直艏+下凸艉组合的减阻效果要优于尖直艏+平直艉组合,且航速越低,减阻效果越明显;采用多航速验证方法能有效避免固定航速船型优化的局限性。研究结果可供江海直达船的船型设计和建造参考。 关键词:型线优化;总阻力;多航速;江海直达船;SBD技术
关键词:  型线优化  总阻力  多航速  江海直达船  SBD技术
Optimization of Hull Form for Chongqing-ShanghaiSea-River-Through Ships
DENG Xiaobing1, JI Nan1, WU Qiaoyun1, PENG Wei2, HUANG Jie2
1.School of Shipping and Naval Architecture, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China;2.Chongqing Ship Inspection Center Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400074, China
In order to improve the navigation performance and efficiency of the Chongqing-Shanghai sea-river-through ships, a prototype that meets the draft requirements of the Three Gorges Lock is taken as the research object to optimize the hull form with the displacement volume and the longitudinal position of the center of buoyancy as the constraints and the theoretical design and numerical calculation combined. Software Rhinoceros is used for hull modeling, CAESES (FRIENDSHIP Framework) is used for semi-parametric model optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology is used for resistance prediction. The comparison of the two rounds of optimization showed that the resistance of the ship had reduced by 10.76% compared with the original ship at the speed of 10 kn; and at speeds of 13 kn and 16 kn, the resistances had decreased by 8.18% and 1.86%, respectively. The research also shows that the drag reduction effect of the combination of vertical bow with lower convex stern is better than that of the combination of sharp straight bow with straight stern, and the lower the speed is, the more obvious the drag reduction effect is. Multi-speed verification can effectively avoid the limitations of fixed speed ship form optimization, and the research results may have valuable reference for the hull form design and construction of sea-river-through ships.
Key words:  hull form optimization  total resistance  multi-speed  sea-river-through ship  SBD technology