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张锦飞1, 王 芳1, 陶 晖2, 谢继光3, 吴 瑜1, 罗瑞龙1
1.上海海洋大学 工程学院上海 0306;2.中国海洋工程装备技术发展有限公司上海 000;3.必维国际检验集团 法国船级社上海 000
关键词:  AutoLISP语言  Solidworks软件  船体型线  自动识别  三维建模
AutoLISP Based Automatic Recognizing Method for Ship Hull Lines
ZHANG Jinfei1, WANG Fang1, TAO Hui2, XIE Jiguang3, WU Yu1, LUO Ruilong1
1.College of Engineering Science Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.China Offshore Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200011, China;3.Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, Shanghai 200011, China
This article mainly introduces two methods for automatic recognition of hull lines which are free identification and designated position identification. AutoLISP language is used to directly read the 2D coordinates of all control nodes when drawing a 2D profile, and to obtain the 2D coordinates of interpolation points at specified positions on the 2D profile, then convert these node coordinates into 3D values using the actual position relationship between the profile and the specified position on the ships hull. The efficiency and accuracy of using this method to obtain the three-dimensional values of hull lines with numerical examples, as well as the feasibility of importing Solidworks software for three-dimensional modeling to generate ship surface are verified. This study provides a reference for the transformation of ship design from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.
Key words:  AutoLISP language  Solidworks software  hull lines  automatic recognition  3D modeling